All lessons featured on this site were created by Dr. Rodrigo Zamith and Dr. Kelsey Whipple. Dr. Zamith is an Associate Professor whose research and teaching interests lie at the intersection of journalism and technology, with a focus on the reconfiguration of journalism in a changing media environment and the development of digital research methods for social scientists. Dr. Whipple is an Assistant Professor who researches gender, gender identity, and race in the media and the influence of social media and other technologies on journalism.
The materials on this website are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. In short, you are free to use our original work on this site for non-commercial purposes with simple attribution. If you’d also be kind enough to send me a quick e-mail about your use, I’d appreciate it.
However, the work by the following experts played a major and direct role in shaping the ideas featured in the lessons:
Additionally, the following software proved valuable to the creation of this Learning Site: